Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Whole Person Paradigm Essay Example for Free
The Whole Person Paradigm Essay The Whole Person Paradigm Knowing oneself is the first step for the improvement of one’s personality. For us do better, we must first accept the things we are better at and the things we are the least, in short, identify your potentials, harness it with your passion and overcome your weaknesses. Personally one of the best traits that I feel I have is the urge for learning new things and adopting what can be really used. I can say that I am good in speaking, planning, organizing which I can use more in the teaching profession. Most of my former teachers who are presently my co-teachers often say that I have most of the talents and skills far better to be an excellent educator but still have to work on my attitude. They say I’m the â€Å"jack of all trades†which means having to know most but haven’t perfected or mastered some. Most people are easy saying things they believed they are good at but failed to accept the things they lacked with, and the worse, afraid to face the weaknesses they had. Second strength that I gained through experience is converting weakness as my strength by means of facing and learning from them. I do now believed that I should revalue attitude sided by skills and not to tend to forget the first. Number one is to add my patience, perseverance and love of work to anything accepted and took an oath to do, my responsibilities and duty. As a teacher, a learner, an educator and as a researcher I can touch lives by setting as an example of my persistence, patience and the willingness to help others. At the moment I’m assessing myself, it took me couple of days where to start on how to describe my life and end up hearing a song which I think best describes my life in that moment. The Climb-Myley Cyrus I can almost see it- To widen your vision in life. That dream I’m dreaming of I had a chance to redefine what are my dreams and goals at time being. There’s a voice inside my head said You’ll never reach it- I had the courage to continue personal progress. Every step I’m taking Every move I’m make me with Lost with no direction- I had set my time table and set target. My faith is shaking- My faith grows more. But I got to keep trying. Got to keep my head hailed high-Confidence together with hard work inside me matures. There’s always gonna be another mountain Never to lose hope and faith in God I’m always gonna wanna make it move†¦ Keep on moving†¦- Never to stop learning and believing.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The First World War (WWI) :: World War 1 I One
WWI Web activity      The propaganda at that time was aimed at was aimed the working class of the U.S. The propaganda was directed to the average person, or people that the government thought would help support the war. My first picture shows a little girl asking her dad to but her a war bond. It trying to imply that every family should go out a get a war bond. That little girl is trying to imply to the world that that buying a war bond is a cute or necessary in order to keep a little girl happy. A father never wants to see his little girl cry so he usually gets her what she wants. The government is trying to imply that everyone has to buy a war bond in order to help the little girl (U.S) in order for it to be happy. So the average person might feel somewhat required to go and buy a war bond to keep the U.S happy. Also the image is trying to show that the little war bond is for a good cause. Little children sometimes try say that they will be good in return for the gift. The reality is that the war bonds weren’t doing anything except letting thousand of soldier die for issue that was happening on the other side of the pacific.      War is probably something that this little girl didn’t want to promote. But she did and she made it seem like if this was a giant wedding or a happy occasion. But in reality war is this torturous place were one side wins just because they have the better weapons or strategy. But in the process killing thousand s of innocent kids. Also when they die there was no one to give them a proper funeral. They were left there to die in mass graves or were left there for parasites to eat their body.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus II
Diabetes mellitus refers to â€Å"a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both. †(Mathur, 2009) This chronic medical condition occurs when the production of insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas in order to regulate the blood sugar levels, is absent or insufficient. Two major types of diabetes are 1. ) type 1 diabetes which requires the affected person to be insulin-dependent as his pancreas has been damaged by auto-immune attacks, making it unable to release the hormone and 2. type 2 diabetes which is also called non-insulin diabetes mellitus as the patients who suffer from this disease can still produce their own insulin.As a matter of fact, for the latter, excessive amounts of insulin are produced by the body. This, however, damages the beta cell, the part of the pancreas that releases insulin, and causes the depletion of the production of insulin in the long run. Th is paper will focus on diabetes mellitus 2, the causes of this chronic disease as well as the physiological limitations that it can impose on a person’s exercise program.It will also include the symptoms that a fitness instructor must watch out for when training an individual suffering from type 2 diabetes. This information will be used to create an exercise program for a subject with this chronic disease. In this section, the intensity, frequency, duration and the method for determining how the program should progress will be identified. Any prescribed medication that may affect the person’s performance should also be considered in the creation of this program.Although diabetes mellitus II is coined adult-onset diabetes as it normally develops in adults who are forty years and above, the number of children who have been diagnosed with this disease has also increased in number. Although genetics or complications during pregnancy may play a role in the development of th is disease, obesity is still identified as the major cause of this problem. An individual who has a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is 20% higher than the ideal has a higher chance of becoming diabetic.Other major risk factors associated with diabetes are age, family history, race, a history of previous impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG), hypertension, a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and polycystic ovarian syndrome. (Votey & Peters, 2009) In the past, people ages 40 and above are more prone to this disease. But, now, due to the sharp increase in the number of children with this disease, this might as well be considered as a pediatric disease. A person’s family history should also be considered when determining a person’s risk to acquire this disease.People with first degree relatives who are diabetic can have a higher chance of acquiring this disease. They may have acquired the gene that stimulates the production of a protein that inhibits the role of insulin in cellular glucose transport. A person’s ethnic group can also increase a person’s risk of acquiring this disease. Afro-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Asians have a higher chance of becoming diabetic. A person’s blood pressure and cholesterol level can also determine if he is prone to diabetes.People with a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg and above, a cholesterol level of 35 mg-dL-1 or below or a triglycerol level of 250 mg-dL-1 will have a higher risk of becoming diabetic. (McArdle, p. 452, 2007) For people with type 2 diabetes, an increase in glucose levels occur because of relative insulin deficiency or the insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas, insulin resistance or the decrease in the effects of insulin on peripheral tissues, especially muscles, or a combination of these two problems.Of course, insulin resistance, doesn’t necessarily mean that a person has diabetes . This, however, can cause diabetes in the long run, especially if the person’s diet is rich in simple carbohydrates. Because of insulin resistance, glucose is converted to triacylglycerol and is stored as fat. Since fat cells have a tendency to be insulin-resistant due to its reduced insulin receptor density, the person’s insulin resistance can reach a level that exceeds the maximum output of the pancreas.Both resistance and aerobic training can help in the management of these factors by improving insulin are glucagon responses. Since skeletal muscles consume a lot of glucose, approximately 70 to 90% of the glucose present in the body, resistance training which increases muscle mass can increase insulin sensitivity, leading to better glucose control. Endurance training, on the other hand, â€Å"maintains the blood level of insulin and glucagon during exercise closer to resting values. †(McArdle, p. 451, 2007)Ideally, the management of diabetes involves dieting , exercising and taking in the prescribed medication, if there is any. There are, however, some cases when the blood sugar level of the patient is too high and exercise needs to be put off. At the same time, although exercise can be very beneficial to diabetics, it can be counterproductive if the condition of the client is not examined properly. Before a client is given a program, the instructor must first make sure that he has his doctor’s consent.The instructor should also know if the client has the following complications: retinal hemorrhage, increased proteinuria, acceleration of microvascular lesions, cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, excessive blood pressure during exercise, postexercise orthostatic hyerptension, increased hyperglycemia, increased ketosis, foot ulcers, orthopedic injury related to neuropathy and accelerated degenerative joint disease. The exercise should be adjusted based on these factors.Obese individuals, for example, should be given lesser weight-bearing exercises. At the same time, they should also be given longer rest periods in order to avoid increase in blood pressure. People with heart and blood pressure problems must not be allowed to exercise when the temperature is too high or the atmosphere is too humid. They should also be given ample rest in between sets. They should also avoid isometric exercises as well as exercises that involve raising the weight overhead or holding positions wherein the head is lower than legs.Aside from the risks caused by complications, the instructor should also pay attention to signs of hypoglycemia, especially if the client is taking in insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents. Mild hypoglycemia is characterized by trembling or shakiness, nervousness, palpitations, increased sweating and excessive hunger. People with moderate hypoglycemic reactions experience headaches, irritability and abrupt mood changes, impaired concentration and attentiveness, mental confusion and drowsiness.In se vere cases, the individual becomes unresponsive and unconscious and experiences convulsions. For such instances, the instructor must be attentive to these symptoms so that he can react immediately. Since some patients take ß-blocker medication, hypoglycemic unawareness should be expected and it is up to the instructor to make the client stop exercising, measure his glucose level and have him eat some simple carbohydrates like hard candies and sugar cubes if hypoglycemia is confirmed. The client should then be asked to rest for ten to fifteen minutes.After that, his glucose level should once again be measured before allowing him to continue the exercise regiment. Another risk that should be avoided is late-onset hypoglycemia wherein the diabetic’s blood sugar remains low even after four to forty-eight hours has passed. This can happen if the client’s exercise is too strenuous for him. For this reason, high-intensity exercise should not be administered to a diabetic i ndividual, especially if he has been prescribed some insulin or hypoglycemic agents.He should begin with a low-intensity program that gradually increases in intensity. Changes in intensity must be made after a period of three to six weeks so that the individual would be given enough time to adjust. According to Erikkson's study (Janot & Kravitz, 2009), doing some resistance training twice a week is enough to show results. Beginning with this frequency is also advisable as the instructor would be given the time to observe the client's reaction to the exercise. He would also be able to clear him of late-onset hypoglycemia.The study done by Ishii and his colleagues (Janot & Kravitz, 2009) shows that the range of the load given to diabetic individuals should be 40 to 50% of their 1 rep max. They should do around 2 sets of 25 repetitions. And, they should be given 30 to 120 seconds of rest in between sets. Based on the FITT principle, people with type 2 diabetes can have 3 to 5 times a w eek of aerobic exercise. The intensity should be 40 to 60% of the maximum HR and the duration should be around 30 to 60 minutes, unless the person is taking hypoglycemic agents or insulin.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Civil War In Ethiopia - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 867 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/18 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? It was the year 1974, September 12, a group of Military men known as the Derg decided to start a war and overthrow the government and its Emperor named Haile Selassie. The Emperor used to be a caring man, until he began to care less and no longer worried about his people and their living situation. Many would notice his lack of leadership and would protest for a new leader, even the students would try to speak up but would be ignored or shut down by the military. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Civil War In Ethiopia" essay for you Create order Ethiopia was a place where many suffered, not just by the hands of Emperor Haile Selassie, but also by the evil war created by the Derg. The Derg wasnt just a simple group that served justice because the government was corrupted. In the book Beneath the Lions Gaze written by Maaza Mengiste the Derg was no better than the actual government. There were parts in the book where the author showed how controlling the Derg really was, they played a huge part in the Ethiopian Civil War. From murdering innocent people because of one little mistake they would say or do, to even exterminating the Emperor and anyone who was on the Emperors side. The book was supposed to show you a glimpse of what would happen to families, individuals, and anything living thing that would dare go against the Derg in real life. The Derg murdered thousands of innocent human beings without a reason, they werent to have emotional feelings or remorse for the people that they would kill. They had no problem executing their own people if it meant getting rid of threats and enemies. If bad times were being put down in a book imagine how it would have been in real life. Between the years 1774-1777, was when most of the events took place, by 1794 everything calmed down. But it wasnt until December 2006 that a few leaders of the Derg deserved what was coming and that was justice for all their wrong doings. The moment many noticed that the Emperor was being distant were in the years 1972-1974, later on the Emperor Haile Selassie died while being in detention. The Derg then started eliminating their enemies between the years 1975-1977, many other groups were not happy with how the Derg were running things so they decided to start attacks for Eritreans independence. Groups like Urban Guerrilla and Somalia rebelled but the Ethiopian military defeated them with the help of the Soviet Union and Cuba, which then made Ethiopia and ally for Africa. Since the Derg had military help from the Soviet Union, Cuba, and even Korea on Ethiopias side, it was then considered the best armed nation in their region. Not only were there many disagreements in between those years but also there was some good in them too. The Derg decided to come up with a new rule in which lands that landlords owned would be taken away from them and given to the peasants, this was called Land to the Tiller. This new rule was both good and bad because the peasants would at least have a place to build a home, but it wasnt fair for the landlords who worked to have their lands. With all the rules and mistreatments that many had to go through, it caused people to leave Ethiopia leading to lack of food, crash crops ,and productivity in general. Most of the population left the land they were born and spread all across the Western countries in search for a better future for them, making Ethiopia a lonely country. It is highly expected with controlling governments to have rebels, sometimes many dont think they would act out but when somethings wrong there is always sometime that will express how they feel. Many rebels came from Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Tigray all demanding for justice and seeking a better government to finally give the people what theyve been longing for. Even though the Derg was known as a powerful military, it failed to stop rebellions forming in Eritrea. Most of the rebels were more active in Tigray, but it inspired many others to come out and fight for their country and their freedom. More and more of the population united against the Derg to regain back the land that was taken from them, plenty of new organizations were also created to help them take down the Derg and bring peace instead of wars. At the end of the year 1987 the organizations created by the the rebels from Eritrea and Tigray controlled 90 percent of the regions. In the end, despite all the troubles that Ethiopia and Eritrea went through, good come out triumphing all evil. Eritrea became an independent country, many Ethiopians were not happy about that decision but it was something that the Eritreans voted highly voted and fought for. Ethiopia was divided into 10 regions with a new government known as The Mengistu, but of course there are a handful of the people that dont agree with the new government and hope to soon have a better one to take control. Last but not least regions like Tigray were taken over by organizations called TPLF and EPRDM, which focused on Addis Ababa.
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